for Materials Science, Light Science & Life Science
Rome Dec 20, 2019
Venue: Marconi Hall (1st floor), CNR Headquarters, P.le A. Moro 7, 00185 Rome, Italy
CHAIRMEN: Antonio Bianconi, RICMASS and IC-CNR
Gaetano Campi, IC-CNR
Augusto Marcelli, INFN-MAECI
Andrea Perali, Camerino University
08:50-09:30Opening Session – Chair Augusto Marcelli, INFN-MAECI
Annibale Mottana: Academy of Science XL
Luciano Galantini: Sapienza University of Rome, Department of Chemistry
Antonio Valletta: Istituto per la microelettronica e microsistemi CNR-IMM
Paola Gallo: Roma Tre University Department Mathematics & Physics
Massimo Capone: SISSA and CNR-IOM Trieste
Claudio Pettinari: University of Camerino
Michele Saviano: CNR - Institute of Crystallography
1st SessionChair: Andrea Perali, Camerino University
09:30-10:00Luciano Maiani: La lunga vita del Neutrino di Majorana
10:00-10:30Massimo Inguscio: Ultracold fermions: from Fano resonances to quantum simulation
10:30-10:40Antonio Bianconi Ugo Fano Prize Laudatio: The legacy of Ugo Fano and Ettore Majorana
10:40-11:10Laurens Molenkamp (Ugo Fano Gold Medal Laureate)
11:10-11:20Ugo Fano Gold Medal ceremony
11:20-11:50Coffee break
2nd SessionChair:Antonio Bianconi,RICMASS and IC-CNR
11:50-12:00Andrea Perali Ugo Fano Prize Laudatio: Ugo Fano resonance and superconductivity
12:00-12:30 Gabriel Aeppli (Ugo Fano Gold Medal Laureate)
12:30-12:40Ugo Fano Gold Medal ceremony
Chair:Piera Mattei, Mariangela Cestelli Guidi, Lina Lo Giudice, Simona Perruzza
13:30-14:30Lunch time
Session Quantum Computation and Majorana Fermions
Chair: Massimo Capone: SISSA and CNR-IOM Trieste
14:30-15:00Simone Montangero: The second quantum revolution
15:00-15:30Chiara Macchiavello: A novel quantum computing model for an artificial neuron
15:30-15:50David Vitali: Quantum illumination and quantum radar
15:50-16:10Alessandra Lanzara: Spin Orbit Coupling in quantum matter
16:10-16:30Roberta Citro: Majorana fermions in generalized Kitaev models
16:30-17:00Coffee break
Quantum Complex Materials
Chair: Gaetano Campi, CNR - Institute of Crystallography
17:00-17:20Andrea Perali: A quantum complex material K-doped para-terphenyl
17:20-17:40Floriana Lombardi: Induced superconductivity in 3D Topological Insulators
17:40-18:00Y. Soh: Spin reorientation and magnetotransport
Admission to the Ugo Fano Symposium, the Ugo Fano Gold Medal Ceremony, Premio Ugo Fano Giovani is free.
If you are interested to participate in this event you need the permission to be admitted in the Symposium Hall : Aula Marconi of CNR building, Piazzale Aldo Moro 7, 00185 Roma,
Therefore please send an email writing your intention to participate in the event
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with your name, your address, your email and your mobile telephone number
If you are interested to participate and to present a poster or oral communication we invite to register yourself by sending an abstract as soon as possible and before Dec. 5, 2019, via
with Title: ----, Names of authors:…,Affiliations …, text of a length between 800 and 1300 characters including spaces …, and few references to recent related papers ….
to the Ugo Fano Symposium secretariat at the email:
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Participants are invited to send a participation lump sum of 100,00 euro to contribute for the expenses of the symposium organization including the symposium materials:
The expenses for any lunch and for social dinner are not covered by the conference organization.
Pay your partecipation fee to a verifed non profit organization superstripes-onlus using
or using the Bank Transfer procedure (please, see instructions below) and send payment details via email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Using the "Bank Transfer" procedure
Please make sure that the Bank transfer fees are charged to the sender
We suggest the partecipants to book one of these hotels near the Symposium site:
Hotel Astoria Garden -
Hotel Piemonte -
Hotel Laurentia -
Ateneo Garden Palace -
John PendryProfessor Sir Scientific reference: Personal web page: |
John Pendry has made seminal contributions to surface science, disordered systems and photonics. His most recent work has introduced a new class of materials, metamaterials, whose electromagnetic properties depend on their internal structure rather than their chemical constitution. Pendry discovered that a ‘perfect lens’ manufactured from negatively refracting material would circumvent Abbé’s diffraction limit to spatial resolution, which has stood for more than a century. His most recent innovation of ‘transformation optics’ gives the metamaterial specifications required to rearrange electromagnetic field configurations at will, by representing the field distortions as a warping of the space in which they exist. In its simplest form the theory shows how we can direct field lines around a given obstacle and thus provide a ‘cloak of invisibility’, which was first realised at Duke in 2006.
Winners of the 2015 Ugo Fano Gold Medal