Professor Paul C. W. Chu discovered with Maw-Kuen Wu, the first material to achieve superconductivity above the boiling point (77 K) of liquid nitrogen: Yttrium barium copper oxide. It is a high-temperature superconductor made of 4 different elements and oxygen defects forming a layered oxide with the formula YBa2Cu3O7-x often abbreviated YBCO or Y123. His research activities extend beyond superconductivity to magnetism and dielectrics. He is Professor of physics and T.L.L. Temple Chair of Science in the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics at the University of Houston.
Paul CW Chu received a doctorate in physics from the University of California at San Diego. Paul C. W. Chu has conducted research at Bell Laboratories at Murray Hill, New Jersey and held academic appointments at Cleveland State University. After the historic discovery of superconductivity above 77 K in YBCO in 1987, he was appointed the Director of the Texas Center for Superconductivity ( su questo nome metti questo iperlink : ) He has also served at various time as advisor, consultant and visiting staff member at various national and industrial laboratories: Bell Laboratories, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, the Marshall Space Flight Center, Argonne National Laboratory, and DuPont . He was the President of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology from 2001 to 2009.
Paul CW Chu has received numerous awards and honors for his outstanding work in superconductivity, including the National Medal of Science and the Comstock Prize in Physics in 1988 and the International Prize for New Materials. He was an invited contributor to the White House National Millennium Time Capsule at the National Archives in 2000 and was selected the Best Researcher in the U.S. by US News and World Report in 1990.
Paul CW Chu is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He is a member of the National Academy of Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences (foreign member), Academia Sinica, Russian Academy of Engineering (RAE) and the Third World Academy of Sciences.